I guess I should start with the basics, right? If you're reading this, hello! My name is Elizabeth (she/her) and I have lived in Virginia my whole life. I am 30, married, & a full-time mother & creative. Before starting my business, I was a high school English teacher for four years after graduating from Radford University. However, before declaring my major and becoming a teacher, my dream was actually to become a photographer. I attended an arts school all four years of high school and fell in love with digital and film photography. I was gifted my first DSLR by my grandfather my sophomore year of high school and from then on you couldn't catch me without it. During college and my years teaching, I fell away from what I loved, but the COVID-19 pandemic made me realize just how much I needed to rediscover my passion for photography, and the rest is history.  

I'm an open book.

More About me and what i'm all about.

Growing up, especially in my teenage years, I idealized and romanticized love. Not just being in love, but getting to know someone, their life, dreams, fears, passions, what made them feel loved, and the things that made them "tick." I fell in love with the idea of knowing someone so intimately that you could find beauty in them anywhere you looked. Now I have the joy of freezing those same feelings and authentic details in time for my couples to cherish forever.

Honestly, I love... love. 

I am Elizabeth Yanna.

A photography session isn't just about the "right poses" and lighting. It isn't about already knowing what you're doing or how to look in front of the camera. It is about creating and documenting all of the little moments and details in-between. How did we get here and where are we going? Did we enjoy the journey along the way? Put your trust in me, the process, and your partner during our time together, and the rest will fall into place beautifully for you and your loved ones to enjoy for years to come!

But Why should This matter to you too?

I am a storyteller of the written & Visual kind...

I am always thinking and doing even if I am not always moving. You can find me listening to music, binge-watching a TV series with my partner for comfort, and tapping my foot away while sipping on coffee (that I most likely forgot existed for a period of time while I was busy completing some task my brain told me I needed to do "right then and there"). Just your everyday neurodivergent, extroverted introvert, building connections and making memories. (With plenty of social battery recharge in-between!) 

I am usually beside a cold cup of coffee and my honeys. 

If I am not behind a camera or a pen...

what to expect